The Heart of a Servant

I've always viewed the concept of a servant's heart as someone who gladly gives freely of their time, talents and resources with no expectations of anything in return.  It's not a character quality that I think many people aspire to cultivate.  Honestly, who wants to always be giving?  It's exhausting and not very rewarding, but it is a quality that I think our society could benefit more from.  Our generation is full of people who only look out for themselves and believe they're entitled to privileges they never deserved.

Yet, I somehow managed to be blessed with a husband who exhibits the epitome of the servant's heart.  How in the world did I get so blessed?  Throughout our marriage he has constantly astounded me with his willingness and joyfulness in helping me with anything and everything.  It humbles me and has definitely helped me to reevaluate my perspective on how I need to adjust my attitude when I grumble over completing tasks or fulfilling a request.  I have a long ways to go before I'll ever have the attitude he has.

And being pregnant, his servant's heart has been even more prevalent.  There's never a day that goes by that he isn't stepping in and helping me or trying to alleviate my discomforts.  Even though he can't feel my aches and pains, he sympathizes with me and never plays down what I'm experiencing.  I could list a hundred examples and go on and on about the ways he's exhibited this quality of having a servant's heart, but I'll spare you all the mushy details.

I hope that some day I will be able to exhibit this quality as well as J does.  Thankfully, I have him as a partner, and he is constantly helping me to grow as a person, so it certainly is attainable.  As the Bible states "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." (Proverbs 27.17) 

Thanks J for having such a beautiful heart of a servant!